Jinno , P. Saelao , E. A. Maga , A. King , D. Morash , S. Zicari, X. Yang, Y. Liu. 2019. Enzymatically Digested Food Waste Altered Fecal Microbiota but Not Meat Quality and Carcass Characteristics of Growing-Finishing Pigs. Anim. 9:970
X. Yang. N. Kalchayanand, K. Belk, T. Wheeler. 2019. Photohydroionization Reduces Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella on Fresh Beef with Minimal Effects on Meat Quality. Meat and Muscle Biology. 3: 105 – 115
Doster, P. Rovira, N. Noyes, B. Burgess, X. Yang, M. Weinroth, S. Lakin, C. Dean, L. Linke, R. Magnuson, K. Jones, C. Boucher, J. Ruiz, K. Belk, P. Morley. 2018. Investigating Effects of Tulathromycin Metaphylaxis on the Fecal Resistome and Microbiome of Feedlot Cattle Early in the Feeding Period Using Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing. Front. Microbiol, 9:1715
Weinroth, H. M. Scott, B. Norby, G. Loneragan, N. Noyes, P. Rovira, E. Doster, X. Yang, D. Woerner, P. Morley, and K. Belk. 2018. Effects of Ceftiofur and Chlortetracycline on the Resistome of Feedlot Cattle. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 84:e00610-18.
X. Yang, B. R. Scott, I. Geonaras, S. Hu, D. R. Woerner, R. J. Delmore, J. B. Morgan and K. E. Belk. 2017. Comparison of the Efficacy of a Sulfuric Acid-Sodium Sulfate Blend and Lactic Acid for the Reduction of Salmonella on Prerigor Beef Carcass Surface Tissue. Journal of Food Protection, 80(50): 809-813
X. Yang, N. R. Noyes, E. Doster, J. N. Martin, L. M. Linke, R. J. Magnuson, H. Yang, I. Geornaras, D. Woerner, K. L. Jones, J. Ruiz, C. Boucher, P. S. Morley and K. E. Belk. 2016. Use of metagenomic shotgun sequencing technology to detect foodborne pathogens within their microbiome in beef production chain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82(8): 2433-2443.
R. Noyes, X. Yang, L. M. Linke, R. J. Magnuson, A. T. Dettenwanger, C. A. Boucher, I. Geornaras, H. Yang, D. R. Woerner, P. S. Morley, and K. E. Belk. Resistome diversity in cattle and the environment decreases during beef production. eLife. 2016;5:e13195
Noyes , X. Yang , L. Linke , R. Magnuson , S. Cook , R. Zaheer , H. Yang , D. Woerner , I. Geornaras , J. McArt , S. Gow , J. Ruiz , K. Jones , C. Boucher , T. McAllister , K. Belk. Characterization of the resistome in manure, soil and wastewater from dairy and beef production systems. Scientific Report. 2016 Apr 20;6:24645. doi: 10.1038/srep24645.
X. Yang, D. R. Woerner, J. D. Hasty, K. R. McCullough, I. Geornaras, J. N. Sofos, K. E. Belk. An evaluation of the effectiveness of FreshCase technology to extend the storage life of whole muscle beef and ground beef. Journal of Animal Science, 94(11): 4911-4920.
X. Yang, D. R. Woerner, K. R. McCullough, J. D. Hasty, I. Geornaras, G. C. Smith, J. N. Sofos, K. E. Belk. An evaluation of the effectiveness of FreshCase technology to extend the storage life of whole-muscle pork and ground pork sausage. Journal of Animal Science, 94(11): 4921-4929.
B. R. Scott, X. Yang, I. Geornaras, R. J. Delmore, D. R. Woerner, J.O. Reagan, B. Morgan and B. Keith. Antimicrobial Efficacy of a Sulfuric Acid and Sodium Sulfate Blend, Peroxyacetic Acid, and Cetylpyridinium Chloride against Salmonella on Inoculated Chicken Wings. Journal of Food Protection, 78(11): 1967-1972.
B. R. Scott, X. Yang, I. Geornaras, R. J. Delmore, D. R. Woerner, J. Adler, and B. Keith. Antimicrobial efficacy of a lactic acid and citric acid blend against Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Salmonella and nonpathogenic Escherichia coli biotype I on inoculated warm beef carcass surface tissue. Journal of Food Protection, 78(12): 2136-2142.